Thursday, November 21, 2013

Presentations, Day 2

I came to class today about ten minutes late because I had been out photographing our beautiful, snow-dusted campus with a couple friends of mine. I walked in, and Connor was giving his presentation and was talking about how we, as a class, as a family, have shown and shared our scars with each other. Too often, do people think that scars represent weakness, that showing that you've been hurt is a sign of inferiority. Scars are something to be proud of, to show and tell to people about your experiences, the things and moments that have made you who you are.
Siri talked next, following by Jean and Sarah and concluding with Ian. I jotted down notes for each of these speakers, hoping to gain insight to who they were, but upon getting home, I realized that I hadn't written down the speakers of each quote. So now, as I lay in my room trying to discern the different people that are the authors of my page of my notes from today, I am realizing that it doesn't matter who said what, because even if we haven't all said it, we've all meant it.
Here are some things I heard today:

  • Beauty is found in the ordinary. 
  • We find myths everywhere
  • Breaking Bad is based off of some guy named Heisenburg.
  • Sarah wrote a badass poem with a wonderfully intricate rhyme scheme.
  • Bastille Day is important to someone.
  • Home is the transformation we all seek.
  • Hope, Perseverance, and Strength.
  • Stories have the magical ability to weave the past and the future into the present.
  • Romance is the appearance of pirates.
  • Our own lifetimes and stories are neither more or less than those before us or after us.
  • We remember the stories that make us who we are.
  • We have, against all odds, lived happily ever after. We do, against all odds, live happily ever after. We will continue to, against all odds, live happily every after.

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